Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
15 results

Hotels in MENA: How Much Can You Invest?

We attempt to provide a guideline of “maximum supportable hotel investments” across Middle East and North Africa, reflecting current hotel market dynamics for the cities addressed.

Abu Dhabi - Between The Hammer And The Anvil

Abu Dhabi is being forged into a global destination for business, culture and leisure. Current global economic conditions seem to be striking just when the iron is hot.

Abu Dhabi Market Snapshot

An overview of the Abu Dhabi market

Egypt Country Snapshot

This Country Snapshot provides an overview of the recent historic hotel performance in both emirates together with research on new supply. This article and the research for it, was completed in April 2007.

Abu Dhabi & Dubai Country Snapshot

This Country Snapshot provides an overview of the recent historic hotel performance in both emirates together with research on new supply. This article and the research for it was completed in April 2007.